
Managing ICT

This guide is aimed at staff and volunteers from voluntary and community organisations who want to manage their ICT better. It is intended particularly for staff and volunteers form small and medium sized organisations and especially for those who don’t have access to ‘paid for’ technical advice and support.

You could be from a small community group run entirely by volunteers, or a registered charity with an income of up to £1m and a staff team of 50. Although the scale and nature of organisations may differ, the people running these groups often face similar challenges when working out how to get the most from their ICT.

You may be a manager or a project worker, a paid member of staff or a volunteer. You may have a lot of technical skills, or you may have none. You may be working in a team wondering how best to use ICT, or you may be a budget-holder with specific responsibility for planning ICT. Whatever your position, this guide is designed to help you.

You can find out how to buy or download your copy of the Guide to Managing ICT in the Voluntary and Community Sector in the publications section of the website.

Supported by ESiT

Getting started with ICT

Budgeting and buying ICT

Keep things running smoothly

Policies and procedures
